Wednesday, July 15, 2009

BMW slang

The English slang terms Beemer, Beamer and Bimmer are variously used for BMWs of all kinds, cars, and motorcycles.[20][21]

Specialists have been at pains to prescribe that a distinction must be made between using Beemer exclusively to describe BMW motorcycles, and using Bimmer only to refer to BMW cars,[22][23][24] in the manner of a "true aficionado"[25] and avoid appearing to be "uninitiated."[26][27]

The Canadian Globe and Mail prefers Bimmer and calls Beemer a "yuppie abomination,"[28] while the Tacoma News Tribune says it is a distinction is made by "auto snobs."[29] Using the wrong slang risks offending BMW enthusiasts.[30][31][32] An editor of Business Week is satisfied that the question is resolved in favor of Bimmer by noting that a Google search yields 10 times as many hits compared to "Beemer."[33]

Comparably, the motorcycle marque BSA is sometimes pronounced Beezer.[34][35]

The initials BMW are pronounced [beː ɛm ˈveː] in German.[36] The model series are referred to as "Einser" ("One-er" for 1 series), "Dreier" ("Three-er" for 3 series), "Fünfer" ("Five-er" for the 5 series), "Sechser" ("Six-er" for the 6 series), "Siebener" ("Seven-er" for the 7 series).[37]